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Request Your MIB Consumer File
Request Your MIB Consumer File access on line disclosure access disclosure by phone

What is an MIB Consumer File

MIB manages a contributory database of underwriting information that is maintained by our member companies and referenced by them during the underwriting process. When you apply for insurance from a member carrier, they will ask your authorization to perform a check of our database. Once you give your permission:

  • The carrier will cross check the information you provide on your application against any information in your MIB Consumer File.

  • Should there be a discrepancy, the carrier will follow up with you to understand the reason.

    • Carriers are not enabled to make underwriting decisions based on your MIB Consumer File without further investigation.

  • As part of the underwriting process, member carriers will provide any information discovered of underwriting significance back to MIB to populate your Consumer File.

Things to know before requesting your consumer file

You will only have an MIB Consumer File if you applied for life insurance with a member carrier in the last 7 years, and information of underwriting significance is found during the application and/or underwriting process. This is true whether or not you actually purchase the insurance policy you applied for.

Therefore, you may not have an MIB Consumer File if: (i) you applied for insurance more than 7 years ago; or (ii) you applied for insurance that was not individually underwritten (for example, group insurance or guaranteed issue life, or ACA-based health insurance); or (iii) you applied to an insurance company that was not an MIB member.

In order to obtain a copy of your MIB Consumer File (if one exists), you will need to provide MIB some personal information so we can accurately search our files. This information will be collected and maintained securely by MIB and will be used solely to process your request. The identifying information you provide will be validated with other consumer reporting agencies. Please refer to MIB's Consumer Privacy Policy for additional information and details.

You can request your consumer file once a year at no charge

As a nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), MIB provides US consumers with the rights, protections and privileges available under FCRA. In addition, MIB also provides substantially equivalent rights to Canadian consumers, as well as consumers who reside in the Caribbean region and have done business with an MIB member.

As such, MIB will provide consumers with a free copy of your MIB Consumer File (if one exists) once per year, on request.

Also, MIB will provide you with an additional copy of your MIB Consumer File at no charge in the event that you receive an adverse underwriting decision letter from an insurer indicating that an MIB record influenced the insurer's underwriting process, which resulted in your application being rated or declined.

Who can request a copy of an MIB Consumer File

You may only ONLY request a copy of your own OWN MIB Consumer File. You may not request the MIB Consumer File of any other person, including your spouse or another relative, unless you are authorized as an attorney-in-fact (agent) under a Power of Attorney, or as legal guardian under a court appointment, or as parent and natural guardian for your minor child.

What should I expect to receive?

Upon verification of your identity, MIB will process your request and send your MIB Consumer File by mail. If you do not have an MIB Consumer File, you will receive immediate notification of NO RECORD FOUND and a link to access your letter indicating that a record does not exist for you.

Your MIB Consumer File ("Disclosure") may consist of the following information:

  • Any medical and personal information that MIB has in its database about you as of the time of your request for Disclosure, along with the name of the MIB member company that reported the information to MIB and the date it was reported (a date that must have occurred within the past seven years).

  • The name of any MIB member company that:

  • (i) received a copy of the medical and personal information that MIB has in its database about you during either a three-year period preceding your request for Disclosure for U.S. consumers or a two-year period for Canadian consumers;

  • (ii) made an "inquiry" to MIB about you within the past two years; and

  • (iii) received a copy of a record showing the dates that other member companies made inquiries about you during either a three-year period preceding your request for Disclosure for U.S. consumers or a two-year period for Canadian consumers.

  • (iv) In addition, if you previously applied for disability income insurance to an MIB member that subscribes to MIB's Disability Insurance Record System ("DIRS"), this member may have reported information about the disability benefits for which you applied and the amount of coverage you already had in force within the past 5 years.

Things to keep in mind as you review your MIB Consumer File

It is important to note that, to protect your privacy, applicant information is maintained in a coded format. MIB codes are proprietary, highly confidential, and can be thought of as a form of encrypting. Each code signifies a medical condition, hazardous vocation or other factor that can adversely affect the insurability of an applicant.

When we provide you with a copy of your MIB Consumer File, we will translate MIB codes. When you read the code translations, please keep in mind that MIB codes are not used to determine your eligibility for insurance, and carriers are NOT enabled to make underwriting decisions based on your Consumer File without further investigation.

MIB is committed to the principle that every consumer should be entitled to know the contents of his or her MIB Consumer File, and to correct any inaccurate or incomplete information. When you obtain your Consumer File from MIB, we will provide you with instructions on how to seek a correction or modification of any information that you feel is inaccurate or incomplete. For additional information, you can visit: How to Dispute Your MIB Consumer File.

You will not have an
MIB Consumer File
unless you have
applied for individually
underwritten life
or health insurance in
the last seven years.

On-Line Form will be
between the hours of:

Sun - 2:00AM - 9:00AM ET

Phone Available 24x7

365 Days of the Year